Miss K goes Bad Gastein

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hochzeit Theresa & Clemens

the first wedding I was attending to and I actually can rememeber (1st wedding was my uncle and auntie when I was 3..)

and hey, it was a traditional Austrian wedding so I had to get all dressed up in TRADITIONAL AUSTRIAN "DIRNDL" ... see explaination below

the wedding couple is right in the middle of "Hirschal" which is more internationally known as "Jägerbomb" or "Flying Hirsch" ...

and of course there had to be some to be the last to go...
great wedding, great party!! who is next?????? I think I like it.. ;)


ok.. everyone.. listen up.. it snowed!!!!!! on 05-09-2007 we already saw snow in our garden!! I really hope that that means an AWSOME winter this year!!!!!!

and there is still snow on top of the mountains ...

Danielle & Roger go Bad Gastein

welcome to Austria Danielle and Rog in August 2007!!!! since those 2 had some difficulties in going on their planned trip to South Africa (long story) they decided to come and visit me in the beautiful Austrian Alps... and I think they enjoyed themselves a fair bit... walking every day with great view and soaking in the thermal bath just next door..

on the weekend we went hiking together and enjoyed "Poserhöhe" ...

soooo cute... like real Austr-i-span-i-aliens .. ;)

and of course we had to have a real Austri-a-lien BBQ in my garden...

yummy.. Austrian sausages are the best.. I knew it!!

and on our last day together we took a fabulous trip upt to 2.600 meters of altitude to "Hagener Hütte" and enjoyed the view of Sportgastein on 1 side of the mountain..

then "Hagener Hütte" ...

... with its delicious "Kaiserschmarrn"...

... and the views of the lakes in "Kärnten" on the other side of the mountain...

.. Sportgastein really is a fairy-tale-land.. the mountain that you see here is what we conquered that day... soooo proud!!

Bad Gastein Summer Impressions

Hike up to Stubnerkogel and down to Angertal, coming back via Erzherzog Johann Promenade.. what a lovely day in August 2007...

and great views of Bad Hofgastein and the mountain range "Tennengebirge" in the back ...

another lovely day in August when Conny and I took off to go to Astenalm and met Robert on the way.. great home-made cheese and juice was waiting for us.. and hey, we did not drink Schnaps!!

such a cute mountain hut

Homecoming 22.06.2007

besser spät als nie.... for everyone who was "still" waiting for some pics from our Homecoming Day 2007 in Krems.. here they are...

my first homecoming eva went great! sort of good weather, sort of good food, sort of good speaches from IMC crew .. but defenitly good was to catch up with a lot of people I hadn't seen in years... and of course the party afterwards in Qstall!! see pics ;)

I guess I liked the Homcoming brunch at Müllner best on Saturday morning... great weather, really good food, best views and lovely people! just a view were missing!! but I'll see you guys next year!!